Monday, February 27, 2006

Skip's Weekly Post, 2/27/06

Oops, forgot to publish this last week.


  • Mon: 30min. treadmill, 2.14miles; 5min rowing machine
  • Fri: 30min. treadmill, 2.175miles; 5min. rowing machine
  • Sat: 30min. treadmill, 2.044miles; back seizure--no rowing today

New goals: 3 - 30min. workouts; limit snacking after 8pm to 1 serving of "ice cream"; lose up to 1 lb.


  • Mon, 2/27/06 = 179.5 lbs.
  • Mon, 2/20/06 = 179.5 lbs.
  • Mon, 2/13/06 = 180 lbs. (still!)
  • Mon, 2/6/06 =180 lbs.
  • 10/?/05 = 184 lbs.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mike's Not Quite Weekly Report

I was reluctant to write anything for fear I wouldn't follow through. But I have. I have managed to swim at least 1,500 yards every other day for the past 10 days. I haven't lost any weight but I feel so much better that I have to wonder why I didn't do this earlier. I also wonder what we all felt like when we were younger (i.e. Marc and Corey's age).

I remember running with Skip and Phil nearly every day at La Jolla Shores; from the pier to the Beach and Pig Club and back to the pier. I suspect this was one mile each way. We would jog (pronounced "yog," I think) the first mile, talking and attempting to plant our feet at just the right angle to splash a little sea water in the face of a tourist. On the return mile, our collective competitiveness would kick in and, without saying a word to each other, we would race the last mile.

I don't know what went through everyone's mind, but I know we stopped talking to each other and began a game of seeing who could get out ahead of the other. Then it was always a final sprint to the end. I think Phil won most of them because he had that running track kind of gait about him, but Skip and I always pushed him. Oh, and did I say the run was usually after swim or crew practice?

After we had to get jobs (unfortunately), we ran less and less with each other. About two years later, the three of us met up at the beach and decided to do the usual run. On the second mile, I actually got winded and was certain I had a horrible medical condition. Surely if I couldn't sprint the second mile without huffing and puffing, I had to have cancer, right? At least that's what I thought. I know now that I was just getting only a little bit out of shape.

Imagine (especially Skip and Phil) how good of shape we were in that we don't even remember feeling winded after a two-mile race. Do you think we can get there again? No? What if we used cars or one of those Segways?

So here is my swim workout schedule for the past few weeks:

Most of the days:

Warm-up: 200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull
400 IM ladder (i.e. 25 fly, 50 fly/free, 75 breast/free, 100 IM, 75 breast/free, 50 back, 25 fly.
Easy 50
400 free ladder (same as above only freestyle .. obviously).
Easy 50
4 X 50 IM order on 1:00 (unless the piano is clearly on my back)
100 swim down
Total: 1,800 yards, or 1,600 yards without the 4 X 50 set.

Last night, however:
Warm-up: 200 swim, 400 kick, 400 pull,
200 swim DPS (DPS = distance per stroke)
400 IM (I grabbed the wall and gasped for 20 seconds at 200 yards)
400 pull
150 swim down
Total: 2,150 yards.

Tonight I am doing my first back to back workout as trouble looms since I am traveling to Texas for four days and don't know how I will find the time to work out. Any ideas on exercising while traveling? I will do sit ups and push ups in the hotel room as I watch soft porn for $15 per viewing.

More later ....

Monday, February 20, 2006

"Ice Cream"

As someone who doesn't eat dairy, here is my ice cream alternative. I freeze about a cup's worth of applesauce in a coffee mug for at least 4 hours. Microwave for 30 seconds before eating. It's pretty low in calories besides.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Skip's Weekly Report 2/ 20/06

  • Thu: 30min. brisk walk (with Cooper);
  • Sat: 20min. treadmill, 1.44miles; 11min. treadmill, .75miles;
  • Sun: flaked out

Goals:Missed goal of 3 - 30min. workouts. Still snacking at night

New goals: 3 - 30min. workouts; limit snacking after 8pm to 1 serving of "ice cream"; lose up to 1 lb.

  • Mon, 2/30/06 = 179.5 lbs.
  • Mon, 2/13/06 = 180 lbs. (still!)
  • Mon, 2/6/06 =180 lbs.
  • 10/?/05 = 184 lbs.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fat Attack

Had a total fat attack tonight. I blew it with snacks and crap from 5pm on. It's been tough to get workouts in so far this week. Finally walked this afternoon before I porked out. Working out Fri. and Sun for sure.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Skip's Weekly Report 2/13/06


  • Mon: 30min. brisk walk (with Cooper)
  • Wed: 2/5th mile slow jog with kindergarteners
  • Thu: 20min. treadmill, 1.38miles; 15min. rowing, 3125meters
  • Sun: 20min. treadmill, 1.435miles; 15min. rowing, 3050meters


  • Met goal of 3 - 30min. workouts
  • Did NOT meet snacking goals 6 of 7 nights
  • New goals: 3 - 30min. workouts; limit snacking after dinner; weight loss up to 1 lb.


  • Mon, 2/13/06 = 180 lbs. (still!)
  • Mon, 2/6/06 =180 lbs.
  • 10/?/05 = 184 lbs.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Skip's weekly report 2/6/06

  • Weighed in at 180, no gain no loss. Too much during the Super Bowl.
  • Workout 3 times. 1st-walked 20min. 2nd-treadmill walk/jog 20min, rowing machine 15min. 3rd-walk 30min.
  • Positive: worked out with Phil one day; walked with Linda one day...makes it easier to stick with it.
  • Set-back: YMCA pool closed for 6-8 weeks!
  • Goals this week: 1.workout 3 times, at least 30min/time 2.LIMIT snacking after dinner 3.continue working toward 170

Friday, February 03, 2006

Carr's Ginger Cookie Diet


Just a healthy tip: Carr's Ginger Lemon Cookies are a very healthy alternative to vegetables. It has vegetable oil in it and lemon (fruit) flavoring. And it has some other chemicals and genetically modified "food" byproducts. I feel much better after eating seven of them. I would exercise tonight but I don't want to be too far from the box of cookies.

That's how it's going tonight but all the rest of the days I have refrained from sugar and eaten very well. I have exercised three days of the last seven; four if you're counting opening the cookie box as exercise -- which I do.

Weight: Not sure but too much.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

How To Post and How To Edit Your Profile

For those who have not POSTED before:

  1. Go to our blog at
  2. Click on the button near the top that says "GET YOUR OWN BLOG"
  3. Enter your username and password, and click the "sign in" button. This will take you to the "Dashboard".
  4. Click on the green plus sign under "New Post".
  5. Type in a title for the post and then type your post pretty much as you would a Word document. Use spell check, etc. if you want.
  6. Make sure it is exactly what you want to say and then click on the orange "Publish Post" button at the bottom. It may take some seconds for the post to be published.
  7. To see your post click on View Blog.

For those who want to put your goals under your username identity and are not signed in when you go to the site:

  1. Go to our blog at
  2. Click on the button near the top that says "GET YOUR OWN BLOG".
  3. Enter your username and password and click the "sign in" button. This will take you to the "Dashboard".
  4. On the right side below your name and the place where a photo can go, click on "Edit Profile".
  5. Scroll down to the About Me section and type in the goals you want other to see if they click on your name.
  6. Click the orange "Save Profile" button.