Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Time Has Come?

Okay, my fat friends, my pleasingly plump pals, my…well, you get the picture! Is this the year you would like to make commitment to get in shape, and/or lose weight? Are you sick of that roll around the middle? Are you sick of that fat-ass? Are you sick of the growing expanse of yo' OWN self? Are you sick of being a flobby mon (or woman)? What are you going to do about it?

Here is my proposal: join this little, friendly supportive community of people who want to either lose some weight, get in shape, or both. My idea is to start this blog where anyone in our mutual circle of friends can each post his or her progress (or setbacks) during the year as we each strive to become healthier. This might be just the extra incentive you need to stay with it. By blogging your efforts your friends will be checking on you to see how you are doing and whether or not you are putting in the effort that you were hoping to put into your "program". Your friends will be able to see if you are working towards your goals. And your friends will be able to be supportive and even suggest solutions or offer encouragement along the way.

The idea is to provide another source of accountability. What you decide to report is up to you. How much detail you give is your choice. Perhaps you want to post your weekly weigh in. Or maybe you don’t want people to know your weight but just your weight loss. Maybe it would help you if you reported how much and how often you worked out. Maybe you do Weight Watchers and want to post your daily points. Perhaps you're having a tough time staying with something and want to ask for suggestions.

The only obligation you would have if you chose to participate is to be honest in what you post. That way the other people who make "comments" on your posts know they aren’t just wasting their time and effort.

So, what do you think? I have started the blog in the hope that some of you will be interested and will want encouragement and support. I know I will do better if I commit to posting my workout diary/weight loss journal at least twice a week. So, think about it and tell me what you think.


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Laz said...

I'm fat..... Is this step 1 of 12 steps?

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Sladed said...

It is step 1 of 3 steps (not 12). Step 2 is to DECIDE to do something about it. Step 3 is to DO IT!


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